
I’ve seen Carl’s work as a workshop host from the perspective of both delegate and colleague. I have also has feedback from events at which Carl has presented on a range of subjects relating to mental health, philosophy and solution focused practice.

Carl’s presentation style is the involving, relaxed and democratic manner of someone who has prepared well and is genuinely interested in the views of delegates. The relaxed style and simplicity of presentation aids can belie the breadth of knowledge, depth of feeling and level of preparation behind his work.

In terms of ability I have no reservations in recommending Carl. As someone who protects his professional reputation with fervour and guards his work closely I have asked Carl to both co-host workshops and to present in my stead.

In short, a pleasure to work with, watch and be informed by.

All the best,

Many thanks for all you input and support during our recent Healthy thinking event, the event was very well received with good feedback especially for the workshops.

I hope we will be able to work together again soon.

Helen Davis
Living Well Stoke on Trent
Project Lead Officer
Media Action Group for Mental Health